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How Long Do Birth Control Pills Work?

Birth Control is one of the most important things in our adult lives...especially for those of us who are not married and do not want to have kids because we are not ready and those who are married but feel like they have enough number of children for their entire life time.

There are different options for birth controls...
And many others...but those three are the major ones which prevent pregnancy immediately and can be acquired at a low budget cost.

But seriously. How effective are these birth control methods? I don't know much about Diaphragms but I sure know some things about the other two.
How correctly we use the condom and the pills determines how effective they will be. For example, the condom...can you wear the condom right? Is it your size? Can you try not to be so aggressive or try overly freaky positions when having sex? Those are factors to really consider as a couple who really are not ready for some "consequences."

For pills, most are taken daily while others are taken just after unprotected sex. They are both 99% effective as long as you follow the instructions given (by your gynaecologist). These pills contain progestin, a hormone that forms mucus in the cervix to prevent sperm from traveling to hit and egg.

It also prevents ovulation which is that risky time in a woman’s menstrual cycle when she is prone to pregnancy.
  Some pills take five days to be effective, others seven days while some others, two. But if it is taken on the first day of a woman's period, it works immediately.

For more info, check here


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