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Five Ways Children Can Learn.

Knowledge that is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind - Plato

Have you ever watched a child grow...right from birth to that age when they start attending school? 
You see, Children come into this life with a curious attentiveness to the activities around them... With playfulness and a desire to grow up and do what older children and adults can do. 

They learn to crawl, then walk, jump and climb...they learn to assert their their will, they learn their native language even from scratch. And all these they do through most of their own efforts. 

Their educative instincts work well in the world today. They don't need to be forced to learn but rather, provided with conditions that can allow them to learn. 

In my opinion, learning involves a new generation of human beings who acquire and build up on skills, knowledge, beliefs and values of the former generation. My believe is children learn as naturally as they breathe, why,  they live their everyday lives observing and exploring the world around them. 

Now take a look at these five good ways a child can learn;

1. When you establish a reading time for a child... Be it family reading time when everyone reads her own book or one person reads to the others, it demonstrates how important reading is. It encourages them to express  opinions and talk about their feelings about the characters , and learn to make choices based on the theme or circumstances in the books. 

Show enthusiasm for your child's interests and encourage her to explore subjects that fascinate her. If she's a horse nut, offer her stories about riding or challenge her to find five facts about horses in the encyclopedia.

2. A child who is Provided with play opportunities that support different kinds of learning styles — from listening to visual learning to sorting and sequencing. Even open-ended play, such as blocks, will develop a child’s creative expression and problem-solving skills as they builds and they would definitely need lots of unstructured play time to explore things. 

3. If a child is asked about what he or she is learning at school, not about  grades or test scores, if as a parent, you have him teach you what he learned in school today , putting the lesson into his own words, it will help him retain what he learned.

4. Celebrated achievements, no matter how small. If Completing home work or memorizing the times table calls for a special treat; it goes a long way as positive reinforcement that will inspire him to keep learning and challenging himself.

5. Focusing on strengths, encouraging developing talents. Even if he or she didn't ace her math test, they may have written a good composition in English class. In addition to a workbook for math practice, give them a writing journal. 

Turn everyday events into learning opportunities. Encourage them to explore the world around them, asking questions and making connections with everything they see. 


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